All over the world, good looking men wear scarves for both function and fashion. See: David Beckham or Brad Pitt. Very few would criticize these men’s fashion choices since it’s commonly known they stand among the best-dressed out there.
Except here’s the catch: Go into a bar here while wearing a scarf and run the risk of being labeled homosexual, how utterly stupid. Look, sexuality and its corresponding masculinity can’t be determined through clothing. “Gaydar” doesn’t exist. Sorry, but it’s true. You can’t look at someone and just know which side of the coin they’re on, and a scarf doesn’t change that.
On the positive side, a well-placed scarf can take a normally average outfit like a T-shirt and jeans and make it instantly more fashionable. Yeah, I know, straight guys aren’t supposed to care about being fashionable. Well, that may be true, but those straight guys we’re talking about need to get a reality check; they might not care about how they look, but women certainly do.
When a woman sees a scarf tied properly and worn confidently, that wins you points. It takes you from being a slob who isn’t comfortable enough with his own body to dress it properly, to a confident man who knows his strengths and amplifies them.
Men's Winter Cashmere Feel Wool Soft Knitted Scarf >> See details |
I don’t judge a man in a scarf if it is the dead of winter in New York, but in Arizona there is no need for them. If you must wear a man scarf for the sake of warmth, at least choose a neutral, dark, masculine color and tuck it into your jacket. Also, if you insist on wearing a man scarf, it should be solely used for warmth and taken off with the coat once you’ve gone inside.
See aslo >> Where to buy Men's Scarf
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